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Wanna, Gonna, Gotta, dan teman-temannya

Posted by admin-ngenglishyuk Rabu, 25 November 2009

Posting sebelumnya memberikan apa dan bagaimana reduced form dari American English itu bisa terbentuk beserta contoh2nya. Nah, kesempatan kali ini saya berikan kata2 lain yang saya kutip dari wikipedia. Monggo disimak.

Bentuk kombinasi dari kata Of, have, and to
Kata 'of', 'have' dan 'to' cenderung diucapkan seperti huruf 'a' (a schwa [ə]). Terkadang ini menimbulkan miss-spelling ato salah ucap karena salah dengar [?]. Misalnya "I could of..." padahal yang bener adalah "I could have..." ato "I could've".

* could have: [ˈkʊɾə], coulda
* must have: [ˈmʌstə], musta
* should have: [ˈʃʊɾə], shoulda
* would have: [ˈwʊɾə], woulda
* it would / it would have: [ˈɪɾə], itta

* a lot of: [əˈlɑɾə], a lotta
* kind of: [ˈkaɪɾ̃ə], kinda
* out of: [ˈaʊɾə], outta
* sort of: [ˈsɔɹɾə], sorta

* going to: [ˈɡʌnə], gonna
* got to: [ˈɡɑɾə], gotta
* have to: [ˈhæftə], hafta
* want to: [ˈwɑɾ̃ə], wanna
* ought to : oughta

Varian dari kata "You"
"You" diucapkan mendekati [jə] (kadang ditulis "ya"); kadang juga tergantung konsonan di depannya, contohnya: (/t/ + /jə/ = [tʃə], and /d/ + /jə/ = [dʒə])

* did you: [ˈdɪdʒə], didja
* did you / do you: [ˈdʒə], d'ya
* don't you: [ˈdoʊntʃə], doncha
* got you: [ˈɡɑtʃə], gotcha
* get you / get your: [ˈɡɛtʃə], getcha
* would you: [ˈwʊdʒə], wouldja

Kata lainnya
* give me: [ˈɡɪmi], gimme
* is he: [ˈɪzi], izee
* is it: [zɪt], ’zit
* isn't it: innit
* let me: [ˈlɛmi], lemme
* don't know: [dəˈnoʊ], dunno
* probably: [ˈpɹɑli], probly
* want a: [ˈwɑɾ̃ə], wanna
* what is that: [ˌwʌˈsæt], wussat
* what is up: [wəˈsʌp], wassup
* what is up: [sʌp], ’sup
* what are you: [ˈwʌtʃə], whatcha
* what do you: [ˈwʌɾəjə], whaddaya
* you all: [jɑl], y’all

saduran dan diterjemahkan sebisanya dari Relaxed_pronunciation

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5 Responses to Wanna, Gonna, Gotta, dan teman-temannya

  1. Anonim Says:
  2. Ohh

  3. Unknown Says:
  4. Bermanfaat thx

  5. Unknown Says:
  6. Thanks

  7. Aldi Unanto Says:
  8. Iya iya iya

  9. unknow Says:
  10. Terimakasih


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