- #anagram [ængræm] = a word or phrase the letters of which can be rearranged into another word or phrase
- example: Tap vs Pat , Leer & Reel, Golf & Flog, Strap & Parts, Paws & Swap #anagram
- But, don't you know that #anagram is produced to comment the subject. This needs more anagramism skill.
- The comment could be serious, or parodic , humor or praise. #anagram.
- example: George Bush = He bugs Gore #anagram
- William Shakespeare = I am a weakish speller #anagram
- Madonna Louise Ciccone = Occasional nude income or One cool dance musician #anagram
- Don't you know that pseudonyms often come from #anagram of his/her name itself?
- #anagram Dan Abnormal = Damon Albarn <-- he is vocalist of Gorillaz Rock Band
- The name "Voltaire" of François Marie Arouet & is allowed to be an #anagram of "Arouet, l[e] j[eune]" (U = V, J = I) = "Arouet the younger.
- you can find other #anagram on http://wordsmith.org/anagram/
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