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20 Weird English Words

Posted by admin-ngenglishyuk Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

  1. Erinaceous: Like a hedgehog
  2. Finnimbrun: A trinket or knick-knack
  3. Lamprophony: Loudness and clarity of voice [gk: (lampró(s) clear, distinct + -phōnos -phonous)]
  4. Depone: To testify under oath
  5. Inaniloquent: Pertaining to idle talk; Given to talking inanely; loquacious; garrulous.
  6. Zabernism: The abuse of military power or authority. [After Zabern, German name for Saverne, a village in Alsace, France. In 1912, in this village, a German military officer killed a lame cobbler who smiled at him.]
  7. Nudiustertian: The day before yesterday.
  8. Limerance: An attempt at a scientific study into the nature of romantic love. [Tennov coined the term "limerence" in 1977, publishing it in her 1979 book "Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love".]
  9. Phenakism: 1 (noun) The act of conveying false ideas or impressions; deceit; 2. noun In pathology, an hallucination.
  10. Tyrotoxism: To be poisoned by cheese. [The word stems from G. Tyros (cheese) and toxikon (poison).]
  11. Nihilarian: A person who deals with things lacking importance (pronounce the ‘h’ like a ‘k’).
  12. Mungo: A dumpster diver – one who extracts valuable things from trash
  13. Selcouth: Unfamiliar, rare, strange, marvelous, wonderful. For example: The List Universe is such a selcouth website!
  14. Mesonoxian: Pertaining to midnight; Of or related to midnight
  15. Scopperloit: Rude or rough play
  16. Rastaquouere: A social climber; A social upstart, especially from a Mediterranean or Latin American country; a smooth untrustworthy foreigner.
  17. Pulveratricious:(Adjective) Covered with dust.
  18. Pronk: A weak or foolish person
  19. Widdiful: [fr. Sc. widdy, a rope for hanging]. Scot. (n) one who deserves hanging, a gallows-bird; a scamp, rascal; (a) fit for a halter, deserving to be hanged; scampish, rascally
  20. Floccinaucinihilipilification: Estimation that something is valueless. Proper pronunciation based on Latin roots: flockə-nowsə-nəkələ-pələ-fək-ation.
Feel odd when reading these words? I'll give you a test to check if you have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia* when you read it.

* = The fear of long words, ironically. From From hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian, an extension of sesquipedalian with monstrum "monster" and a truncated, misspelled form of hippopotamus, intended to exaggerate the length of the word itself and the idea of the size of the words being feared; combined with phobia.

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