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Terjemahan Slang Indonesia (3)

Posted by Rizqi Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Melanjutkan posting pertama dan kedua, maka berikut ini istilah2 dalam bahasa gaul Indonesia beserta padanan kata/kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris.

Bodoh = Moron, imbecile insults
BS-Bayar sendiri-sendiri = To go dutch everyone pays for their own meal
BT-Bete, butuh teman = Lonely, needing a friend
Cepek = 100 in Chinese in Indonesia
Cinta buta = Love is blind
Ekonomi ngos-ngosan = Economic slump
Genit = Flirtatious
Gombal-rayuan gombal = Baloney
Gosong = Burnt
Kantong kempes/tongpes = Flat broke
Kekasih gelap = Secret lover
Latah = Parroting;copycat
Lumayan fatal = near fatal mistake
Mau, harus = Slang-wanna, gotta
Mengecil = To shrink
Minta maaf atas kesalahan yang = Please forgive me for making a big/
Naksir = Have a crush on someone
Ngedumel = Whining, complaining
Ngiler = To drool or want something badlydrool over something
Nglilir = To stir from sleep
Ngos-ngosan = Out of breath
Nongkrong = To sit around doing nothing
PD-Percaya diri = Self-confidence
Rasain = Serves you right
Serak-serak basah = Throaty, husky voice
Sinting = A crazy, nutty person
Sok = Arrogance
Terapi = Therapy

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