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Junglish ~ Jungle English

Posted by admin-ngenglishyuk Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

What is Junglish? Jungle English.. like one mentioned below: It's pronounce and mix with local style such as Javanese, Jakarta, and many more. It's funny and still within the context. Enjoy !!

(try to pronounce this with particular dialect, you'll know what I mean)

Javelish.. The typical Javanese language: 'lho', 'lha', 'tho', 'kok', ki',etc
- Lho, I already bought that book !
- Kok, buying again ?
- I told you many times 'tho' !
- Lha, I didn't know tho yo... how ki !?
- Don't be like that, no....!?
- Lha yes tho ?

Jakartenglish.. Jakarte English is marked by the 'sih', 'deh', 'dong','nih', etc
- That book is very good, deh.
- Can you speak english?.. yeah a little sih can!
- Use my money first nih..
- Give me more dong..
- How sih? Little little angry..

Surobenglish is marked by 'tah' and the famous word is 'diancuk'
-Do you feel sick, tah ?
-Diancuk... he took my money !

Other exclamation words of Java:'wo','wah','wé_','jian',and 'jé_'
- Wé_ lha this book is mine jé...!
- Wo_, only like that tho!
- Wah, expensive, tho?
- Jian, Paijem is so beautiful tenan.

Sundanglish is also available such as 'atuh', 'euy', 'mah'
- Well, if that kind, it pretty so-so atuh
- It can't be that way euy..
- I am mah, not like that... anything else ?

There are also abundant 'sound effect' in Javanesse language.
- Suddenly, mak bedhengus den Tukiman appeared
- My head feels pain, mak cleng!
- Mak tlepok, I got a manggo !
- Mak gedebug, Kampreté fell down.

~ from forwarded email and don't know who is the writer. ^_^

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