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Bahasa Indonesia vs Bhs Inggris

Posted by admin-ngenglishyuk Minggu, 07 November 2010

Ternyata Bhs Indonesia jauh lbh simple dibanding Bhs Inggris. Masak sih? Liat aja contoh di bawah ini. :)

In English: "Would you care to validate your previous statement?"
In Indonesian: "SUMPE LO?!

In English: "Sorry, I think you miscalculated your own capabilities to handle the task at hand." In Indonesian: "Nenek lu kiper!

In English: "Would you care to elaborate on that statement?"
In Indonesian: "MAKSUD LOE?!"

In English: "There's a 75% chance I won't make it, I'm far too busy for ur stupid event."
In Indonesian: "Insya'allah gw dateng!"

In English: "The meeting will start at 9:15 AM. Please be there 15 minutes beforehand."
In Indonesian: "Rapatnya jam 8!" (hahaha... ketauan orang indonesia suka ngaret, makanya janjian 1 jam sebelumnya)
In English:"Let's try this new scam and see if those carbo-ladden brains buy it"
In Indonesian: "Mama minta pulsa"

English: "Please stop by our outlet. There might be stuff you'll find interesting."
In Indonesian: "Giordanonya, Kakaaak!"

English: "I've stumbled upon something that might be of interest to you. You might find it useful."
In Indonesian: "CEKIDOT GAN!" (hihihi...kaskus banget...)

English: "I'm so overwhelmed by this turn of event that I'm speechless and in awe."
In Indonesian: "ANJROT!"(hush...jangan ditiru...)

English: "This is a very interesting topic that everybody should stay updated about this." In Indonesian: "Sundul, Gan!"

English: "I definitely won't make it. You guys go and have fun without me."
In Indonesian: "Ntar gue nyusul."

English: "You're absolutely, positively 100% correct. But I knew that already."
In Indonesian: "EMBEER!"

English: "That's so profound. I can't contribute anything further but I need to say something to sound equally smart."
In Indonesian: "Dalem."

"terusan" (fwd) dari forum BB, italic dan black adalah komentar saya. :D

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1 Response to Bahasa Indonesia vs Bhs Inggris

  1. Anonim Says:
  2. Apa bahasa Inggrisnya "teman sebelah bangku (bus/kereta/pesawat)"???


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