What Kind of Learners Are You?
The Visual Learner

- Do you need to see your teacher during lessons in order to fully understand the content of a lesson?
- Do you prefer to sit at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. people's heads)?
- Do you think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs?
- During a lecture or classroom discussion, do you prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information?
Learning Tip - you may benefit from taking part in traditional English lessons, but maybe private lessons would be better. |
The Auditory Learner
- Do you learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say?
- Do you interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances?
- Does written information have little meaning until you hear it?
Learning Tip - you may benefit from listening to the radio or listening to text as you read it. You could try reading text aloud and using a tape recorder to play it back to yourself. |
The Tactile / Kinesthetic Learner
- Do you learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around you?
- Do you find it hard to sit still for long periods?
- Do you become distracted easily?
Learning Tip - you may benefit from taking an active part in role plays or drama activities. |
source: What Kind of Learners Are You?
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