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English Tips #8 - Being Understood

Posted by admin-ngenglishyuk Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Being Understood

If you're struggling to get someone to understand you, try the tips below:
  1. Speak more slowly (not louder!)
  2. Keep it simple. Use words that are most common. For example, if you want to say cat, don't use the word feline.
  3. Keep it simple. Use basic sentence structures (subject/verb/object).
  4. Don't worry about pronouns, instead use the names of people you are talking about.
  5. Use a lot of hand gestures. "Do you mean up?" Raise up your hands to help the person understand the word.
  6. Use sound effects. You may feel silly, but if you are trying to tell someone that something exploded, using the sound "Ka Boom!" will get your point across!
source: Being Understood

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