Beberapa bulan yang lalu, ketika ada training "writing skill", saya disodori English Proficiency Test (tes kecakapan bahasa inggris) oleh trainernya. Test ini bermaksud mengetahui tingkat pemahaman kita terhadap kata2 yang pengucapan, ato penulisannya hampir sama. Padahal artinya jauh berbeda. Berikut test-nya. Saya berhasil mendapatkan 7 jawaban benar dari 9 soal. Jawabannya akan saya bahas minggu depan. Perhatikan kata2 yang ada di dalam kurung. Pilih salah satu yang menurut anda benar menurut konteks kalimatnya.
- She hit her head against the long (stalacticte or stalagmite) hanging from the ceiling of the cave.
- The court granted him complete (immunity or impunity) in return for his testimony
- When Charlie climbed back into the boat, Rosie saw the (leech or leach) stuck to his back.
- I must admit that I (lean or lien) more toward your side of the case.
- Since he couldn’t read or write, the court allowed him to present his testimony (orally or verbally).
- The general’s basic (tactic or strategy) for winning the battle was surprise.
- According to the law, a (tort or torte) is a wrongful act or injury.
- The data (is or are) stored safely in the main drive.
- Please (advice or advise) me on these matters.
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