Berikut ini kata2 yang suka bikin bingung dalam test, ujian, ato dalam sehari-hari. Kata2nya hampir mirip, ato keseluruhan arti dalam satu kalimat sama saja, hanya saja kekeliruan ini tidak bisa diterima dalam tata bahasa yang baik dan benar.
1. The knot she tied was very __________.
a. loose
b. lose
c. Either a or b
d. Neither a nor b
2. Take a deep __________.
a. breath
b. breathe
c. Either a or b
d. Neither a nor b
3. She has a __________ appetite.
a. hardy
b. hearty
c. Either a or b
d. Neither a nor b
4. I wish you would study for __________ test.
a. you're
b. your
c. Either a or b
d. Neither a nor b
5. He __________ to the banquet with Naomi and __________.
a. gone / I
b. gone / me
c. went / I
d. went / me
Answer ...
1. The correct answer is loose. Simpul yang dia (wanita) ikat itu sangat .... (ketat=loose)
loose - adj. Not fastened, restrained, or contained
lose - v. To be unsuccessful in retaining possession of; to fail; to rid oneself of; to suffer loss
2.The correct answer is breath. Ambil [napas-noun] panjang, bukan Ambil [bernapas-verb] panjang
Breath is a noun; breathe is a verb. If you use the word breathe, the "sentence" would contain two verbs and no noun and, therefore, would be incomplete. Take is an action verb. Breath is what is being taken here.
3. The correct answer is hearty.
hardy - being in robust and good sturdy health; courageous
hearty - vigorous; robust
4. The correct answer is your. Aku harap kamu akan belajar untuk tes[mu](kata ganti kepunyaan)
you're - contraction of you are
your - adj. used as a modifier before a noun; the possessive form of you
It is your test because you possess the test.
Did you know? The word would [will] is an auxiliary verb, or helping verb. An auxiliary verb is a verb that accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in mood, voice, aspect, or tense. In this sentence, study is the main verb, and would is helping distinguish tense. Study is a present tense verb. However, by using the auxiliary verb would before it, the tense is changed to future.
5. The correct answer is went / me.
gone - v. past participle of go
went - v. past tense of go
Past participles are used for perfect forms of the verb. Perfect forms use auxiliary verbs before the main verb (See "Did you know?" in question 4's explanation). You can say "He had gone" or "He should have gone", but you cannot use the verb gone without an auxiliary verb. Went is simply past tense of the word go. Therefore, went is the correct choice. (kalo menggunakan past perfect juga bisa. Hanya saja, perlu ditambahi auxiliary verb.
The words I and me can sometimes get confusing. There are two rules that make using these two words very simple.
1) Never put yourself first.
2) Remove the other person from the equation.
In this sentence, remove Naomi. Would you say "He went to the banquet with I", or "He went to the banquet with me"? Me is the correct choice in this sentence.
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